Why Words? A brief interview with Joseph Barratt, CEO

Content marketing works, but there’s too much of it out there and engagement is dropping.

The world of content marketing is saturated and people only have time to read insightful articles tailored just for them. This is what we do at Words.

We help businesses engage professional copywriters for services ranging from website content to proofreading and editing. Our parent company, Mutant Communications, is a leading public relations and content marketing agency. However, the digital consumer is evolving, so we’re adapting with a site solely dedicated to your Words.

So, why should you trust us with your content?

To save you time, Words Content Manager, Jane Leung, sat down with Words CEO, Joseph Barratt, to grill him on why clients should be using our service.

JL: Joe can I bother you for a sec?

JB: Well, I’m actually-

JL: It’s about Words! 

JB: Oh, what’s up?

JL: Can you tell me why you started Words? How does it differ from what we do at Mutant?

JB: Well, Words is targeted for clients who need ad-hoc and on-demand content. It’s for businesses who don’t necessarily want to jump into a full-blown PR package immediately, but could still use the wit of our wordsmiths to better articulate their brand messages.

JL: Sounds good. Remind me why we’re the best again?

JB: The content at Words can be produced quickly, with an average turnaround of 3-5 days. We only use in-house, experienced former journalists and media professionals like yourself, who know how to research content to help brands scale their content marketing strategy.

JL: What’s special about Words?

JB: You tell me, you’re the Content Manager

JL: Well, we’re real human beings writing words for real human beings.

JB: That’s true.

JL: Cool, thanks, for the info.

JB: Can I see a final copy of this?

JL: No, bye!

Well there you have it!

Need help with your content? Drop a message to hello@mutant.com.sg